Friday, July 15, 2016

Stumbling Toward Jesus: Eastern Europe

Adela walked down the street, inviting villagers to a tent gathering. Soon, he began sharing the gospel with a woman standing in her yard. Overhearing their conversation, a drunken man stumbled to them. Tossing his cigarette aside, he admitted: “I am a very sinful man. I have many flaws. I’m a bad man. What must I do?” Adela told the man to repent. He responded: “But I’m drunk all the time. Will God receive me?” Adela explained that God would hear him if he was honest with God and prayed for forgiveness for his sins. The man agreed to pray. Laying his hand on the man, Adela prayed that the man would to open his heart to Jesus. 

Upon finishing the prayer, the man wondered, “What did you do to me?” He continued: “When you put your hand on my shoulder I felt something change inside me.” The man no longer felt the effects of his alcohol consumption. Adela gave the man a copy of the New Testament and arranged to visit his home the next day to explain more about Jesus. During the follow-up visit, 11 of the man’s relatives also indicated decisions for Christ.

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