Friday, August 18, 2017

Why Are We in Limbo?

We had a buyer for our house in Florida but they backed out. Rats!

It's been on the market over a month. I thought this was a seller's market.

I'm not sure why our house isn't selling but God has a plan. We are learning to trust him. Meanwhile, we are in limbo, with most of the house packed in boxes and sitting in the garage while we wait for a bid on our house.

We can see the promise of a spiritual mountain top. It's just hard to see from this far down on the ground. He has led us to Colorado to continue in ministry. He opened doors miraculously for that to develop. Christine and I have to remember this.

We asked him to close doors that he wanted to be closed and open doors he wanted to be we must trust him...and not try to open doors ourselves.

He must have the perfect person he wants to buy our house. And the perfect home for us in Colorado Springs. So we wait.

And trust his sovereignty.
Thanks for praying.

UPDATE: We got a buyer just a few days after I posted this. Thanks for praying everyone! God is good. We have sold the house and are moving out Sept 15th