Have a meeting over lunch, so I don't feel guilty about wasting time "just eating."
Talk on the phone while emailing someone else.
Use my hands-free cell phone while rushing home.
Kiss my wife, walk the dog and jog at the same time so I can kill two birds with one stone.
Jump in the shower, scarf down some dinner.
Check email and phone messages.
Spend 30 minutes of quality time helping the kids with homework,
Watch some TV with my wife to unwind, and drop into bed at 11PM!
I feel like I've have accomplished much today. I might feel fulfilled and good about myself for being so efficient. Wait! Did I even read my Bible today?
Never did get to be in silence and meditate...to hear from God?
What if he had different plans for me today? Being too busy is the enemy of rest.
Rest restores! Matthew 11:28 reminds us to "Come" to the author of rest. Are you weary in well doing? He will give us rest...but we gotta stop and wait for it.
God help me meditate, not medicate!
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