Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Celebrate the 1,500th Translation of the Jesus Film

Then he said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation (Mark 16:15, New International Version).

God has been at work, from the first translation to the 1,500th.  All the way back in 1979, the “JESUS” film first aired in theaters across the United States. Those first showings saw thousands of people come to know Jesus.

The Holy Spirit was moving.

Less than a year later, the “JESUS” film was translated into Urdu and Tagalog, along with 28 other languages.  By early 1986 (thanks to the faithful support and prayers from believers like you), there were more than 100 translations of the “JESUS” film.

Today I hope you share in our joy as we celebrate an almost unbelievable 1,500 translations.  More than 7.5 billion people have heard the good news.  490 million people have made decisions for Christ! 

For the Daasanach people, their time is NOW!
The Daasanach are a remote people group, their villages stretch far and wide across the harsh Ethiopian countryside, even into Kenya and South Sudan.  That gives you an idea of how expansive the region is and how many people we are praying will come see the film and hear the gospel.
We’ve already heard there is an excited buzz spreading as families hear about the film coming. It’s taken hundreds of hours to prepare and translate the “JESUS” film into their heart language.

Production is finally complete, and the next step is to show the film.

Because you have been praying for or giving toward our ministry, you’ll be sharing Jesus with them.  They’ll get to know our Savior because of YOU!  They’ll hear that they are loved.  They’ll be able to leave false gods and ancestor worship behind.

Your partnership with us has helped to show the film to thousands of unreached Daasanach people. I can’t think of a better way to proclaim His name to an unreached people group in their own language. 

On their behalf, thank you for making a difference now and for eternity. ~ Tez and Christine

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