Feel free to file this under the “almost too crazy to believe” category. A couple weeks ago we heard from an African Cru missionary with a ministry called Global Church Movements. Come to find out, among his many ministry activities, he’s been visiting prisons and reaching out to the inmates. How does he do this? In part by showing them our short film, Flow. That’s right, the film about the guy who drinks out of the toilet, ignoring the clean water gushing from his kitchen faucet.

He reports that the last time he did it, the men reacted with revulsion. They asked, "Why in the world would anyone ever drink from a toilet instead of a faucet?” The missionary then asked, straightforward-like, “Well, what water did you drink to get put in jail?” He reports that approximately 100 men came to Christ.
But wait, there’s more. This missionary recently went out to minister to an influx of refugees fleeing out of one country. A terrorist group in the region, has made being a Christian very dangerous, and a lot of people have had to leave their homes. This missionary was part of a group that has been tending to the physical and spiritual needs of the refugees. One of the ways to make disciples, he says, is “through the use of tablet(s) to help the volunteers who are in the center of the crisis to connect and share their faith and disciple the displaced people.” And what does he show? Yup, our film "Flow."
I’m just again reminded by both how effective these tools we’re working on can be, and how God then takes them and goes BIGGER. I’m continually blown away by how God uses our films to reach people for Christ in ways that I couldn’t come up with on my best day. I mean, Flow is nine years old. By all accounts, it’s had its day. It’s not going to ever win any awards (maybe the “Best Use of a Commode in a Film”—not usually televised). I want to praise God and tell Him how thankful I am He’s using what we're doing. And we want to thank you for being a part of it, with your finances and prayer support. It’s a huge blessing and we hope you can see your part in this, and rejoice with us.
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