Cena watched his goat burn. His son's eyesight was steadily degenerating, and nothing seemed to help. He was losing hope. Anxiety filled his mind. So he followed the advice of a Hindu priest and sacrificed his goat. Despite this, his son's eyesight continued to grow worse week after week.
One day a church planter invited Cena and his family to watch JESUS. As he watched, Cena was in awe of this man who could heal the lame and the blind. Immediately afterward, Cena shared with the church planter about his son's condition. Could this Jesus heal my boy?

Over the course of time, a change took place in Cena. Peace replaced anxiety; hope replaced fear. He and his family attended church weekly and continued to pray for his son's healing. Gradually his son's sight was completely restored by the power of God.
Despite persecution from his mother and brother, Cena and his family remain steadfast in Christ and continue to share their miracle testimony with others they meet.
God is working through the Church Planting Movement Initiative, a partnership between South Asia Campus Crusade for Christ® and Jesus Film Project®. Through CPMI, thousands in India, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka hear the gospel daily - often through JESUS or Magdalena: Released From Shame in their heart language. Pray God will continue to give ministry leaders strategic and creative wisdom for reaching South Asia for Christ.
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