Friday, April 15, 2016

Multiplying Disciples

Jon and Deborah met Sam while on a JESUS Film Mission Trips outreach on a campus in New Caledonia. Sam's friendliness prompted them to show him the short film Ctrl Z. Afterward they asked Sam what he would do if he was given a second chance. He answered that he would change some of the choices he had made. Jon took the opportunity to share his testimony and how Jesus had given him a second chance. Then he and Deborah shared the Four Spiritual Laws booklet with Sam, who listened intently and genuinely prayed to receive Christ as they finished. Jon and Deborah closed their time with Sam by giving him a DVD of JESUS in his language.

Two days later Sam introduced Jon and Deborah to his friends and sister and said they had watched JESUS with him. He asked Jon and Deborah to share the Four Spiritual Laws with them. Deborah did so, and three of them received Christ. They saw Sam one more time while on campus, and he told them he also had shown JESUS to his entire family. They believe God will use Sam in amazing ways at his university.

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