Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Jan 2016 - The Call of God

The Call of God

A while back I had the honor of speaking for 3 days at a youth camp in Polk City, Florida to more than 70 high school students.

As the featured missionary for the week, I highlighted our ministry with The JESUS Film Project. The first day I shared the ADVENTURE OF MISSIONS covering the history and the work of the film. The next day I spoke on the SACRIFICE OF MISSIONS telling stories of persecution and martyrdom of some of our overseas JESUS film workers. The last day I covered the FUTURE OF MISSIONS presenting the need for workers at our JESUS film Master Studios in Orlando. I followed that up with several scriptures including Matthew 28:18 and a call to action.

I was amazed as 29 young people stood up to announce they felt God was calling them into missionary work. All of them came forward for prayer. Praise God for what He is stirring in the hearts of these youth as He prepares them to take our place one day.               

Monday, January 4, 2016

January 2016 - Short Films Prepare Hearts

A university student in Asia shared about using our short films in ministry: "I am a member of [a local] church. My cell group members organized a Christmas evangelistic program... During this program we were able to create a safe and comfortable environment in which we showed JESUS Film Media short films. The films served to prepare the hearts of the attendees so we could share the gospel. A dozen people heard about Christ that day, most of whom accepted Jesus as their Savior! I was blessed to see the faithfulness and supremacy of our Lord.”

Vonette Bright's Homegoing

With a spirit of both joy and sadness, I want to share with you a tribute to Mrs. Vonette Bright, who passed away to be with the Lord on December 23, 2015. 
Click for more...
As the co-founder of Campus Crusade for Christ®, she and her late husband, Dr. Bill Bright, championed the launch of the “JESUS” film and this film evangelism ministry in the late 1970s. And that support has endured over the years in multiple ways. In recent months, even in declining health, she has been a wonderful prayer advocate for the Project and its efforts to take the gospel to every person, to every nation, in the pursuit of the fulfillment of the Great Commission.
To join in honoring Mrs. Bright and her passion for advancing the work of the Great Commission, please consider a Tribute Gift, even today. Your gift will not only be an encouragement to Vonette’s sons, Brad and Zach and their families, but also help take the gospel to more unreached people across the globe. Every gift will make a difference in the lives of people and extend her legacy. Respond as the Spirit leads you. Thank you.