We have some fantastic news! We are expanding our ministry reach!
Over the last few years, God has opened opportunities for ministry. Sometimes we've had to decline from expanding our reach due to some of the restrictions Cru has. It's caused us to pray if Cru is still the best funnel (for us) in which to collect and steward the gifts you so generously provide for the Lord's work. After much prayer and counsel, we've felt the Lord's leading to continue our current work under a different organization called Global Services Network (GSN). Here are just a couple of reasons for the switch:
The way Cru is set up with the government doesn't allow much freedom to minister outside of one main role. Serving under another organization provides opportunities for Tez to continue using the Jesus film and its tools for outreach. And Christine will keep serving with International School Project. But now we are providing outlets to reach people we otherwise couldn't. We will now be able to leverage our influence to additional unreached people groups whom Cru is not focused on.
Over the decades, Christine and I have acquired skills and experience as missionaries that often cannot be tapped into due to the concentrated focus and limits on specific countries or peoples. While we are still committed to keeping the majority of our work centered on overseas evangelism, this switch allows us to include America as a mission field. Who can argue, the USA desperately needs the transforming message of Jesus. So, unhindered by narrower priorities, we will now have additional time and funding to minister to the following groups in addition to our current work with Cru:
Ministering to police officers
Speaking/teaching at conferences and churches
Outreach to single parents
Discipling local internationals
Assisting other ministries to expand their outreach
- Coaching new Christian writers to influence their world
Using GSN provides much lower health insurance premiums and administrative overhead than Cru, allowing a much higher percentage of your gift to actually go toward ministry endeavors. This results in stewarding the Lord's money more wisely for the Kingdom.
So, whether you give financial gifts regularly, or special gifts now and then, all of our financial supporters should note the following changes....
Starting immediately, your gifts should no longer be sent to Cru. Christine and I will continue doing the same ministry as always (and more), just opting for a different means of collecting the funds the Lord brings in.
You'll make your checks out to "GSN." For those who prefer bank auto-withdrawal, you may set that up, then cancel your gifts with Cru.
Again, we want to reiterate, Tez will continue using the Jesus film. Christine will continue serving with International School Project as well. Both of these are overseas outreaches. The only difference will be:
greater ministry opportunities to report about
where to send your gifts
As promised from the start, we're committed to:
taking the gospel to everyone, everywhere
sending you regular news/updates
praying for you.